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Hall-N-Hall -
(405) 774-9014 ContactUs@HallNHall.com
Growing & Building Together

Types of business we help





Some of our Services


Working with business owners to plan, develop and guide the business operations into a well balanced and profit oriented foundation. Including working with managers, buyers, department leaders, and team members.


Working with business owners to plan, develop and guide the business operations into a well balanced and profit oriented foundation. Including working with managers, buyers, department leaders, and team members.


Buying Power

We are connected with industry buying groups and distributors. We will help you develop those relationships which in turn will help overall profit margin.

Buying Power

We are connected with industry buying groups and distributors. We will help you develop those relationships which in turn will help overall profit margin.


Inventory Analysis

Our inventory analysis will help you streamline your ordering, buying, and selling. Let us take the guess work out of your hands with simple to use spreadsheets on every aspect of your inventory.

Inventory Analysis

Our inventory analysis will help you streamline your ordering, buying, and selling. Let us take the guess work out of your hands with simple to use spreadsheets on every aspect of your inventory.


IT Consulting

We will give your store an overall playbook on all IT needs. In many cases, we can cut your IT cost down, by making simple changes. We will help you with your POS, Inventory, Payroll, Website, and search engine optimization (SEO).

IT Consulting

We will give your store an overall playbook on all IT needs. In many cases, we can cut your IT cost down, by making simple changes. We will help you with your POS, Inventory, Payroll, Website, and search engine optimization (SEO).




Our Team

Sam Hixson


Sam is our newest addition to the team. He has been in the retail field for several years with experience in purchasing, receiving, sales as well as merchandising. His strongest talent, however, is in establishing a wonderful guest experience.  He knows that merchandising, floor layout and presentation ensure a memorable shopping experience.  In addition, he is also knowledgeable in IT matters and uses those tools to help companies work more efficiently and profitably.    He sees the big picture yet tends to the littlest details.  We are thrilled he approached us to join the team.

Jayne Hall


My husband Miles and I are the founders of H & H Shooting Sports Complex in Oklahoma City.  Starting in 1981 we built a community educational and retail complex for developing and promoting the shooting sports, and it was to the people of Oklahoma that we dedicated the business. The current facility located at I-40 & Meridian is 90,000 square foot area, housing 61 shooting lanes for Olympic Air Rifle and Pistol, Standard Pistol, High Power Rifle, Archery and “Café”. My experience has been all aspects of starting, building and running a business including accounting and developing policy guidelines.  In the last decade my  main area was firearms purchasing.  Developing beneficial relationships with manufacturers, distributors and the buying group was my top priority.  As the…

Meghan Hall


I joined the H&H family shortly before graduating from college after helping out at the store for various events and just as an extra set of hands. I started out working in receiving and merchandising and grew into buying and inventory management.  My retail experience has included all aspects of working and running a business, but in the last decade my main expertise was in purchasing and inventory control.  Specifically, this included establishing guidelines, and formulas for buying and the successful execution of those. Training department leaders in these processes was also a major focus.   I live by a philosophy of training your replacement in order to grow further.   I along with Jayne spent many years developing beneficial relationships with manufacturers, distributors and the…

Miles Hall

(Senior Consultant)

Along with his wife Jayne, were the Founders of H & H Shooting Sports Complex in Oklahoma City. Starting in 1981 they built a community educational and retail complex for developing and promoting the shooting sports, and worked hard for over 35 years breaking lots of new ground in the marketing and developing of the sport.  Along with a wonderful staff of team members and fellow leaders, they became ranked as a top “10 dealer” by most all the major manufacturers in the shooting sports. H&H was doing well over 20 million a year and selling 16,000 + firearms a year under their leadership. Miles was honored to be a founding member and served as past president of the Association of Shooting Ranges, a founding…


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